Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Writing Contests and Feedback, Kontest Menulis Sastra Online Internasional

Ini info bagi seluruh pencinta sastra di Tanah Air, baik para guru sastra, mahasiswa sastra, sastrawan, penyair, atau siapa saja yang berminat dengan dunia sastra. Situs sastra online fanstory.com saat ini sedang mengadakan kontest menulis online. Kontest meliputi bidang puisi, dan prosa. Bagi yang tertarik dengan kontest ini, silakan mendaftar sebagai member di www.fanstory.com dan pilih jenis kontest yang ingin Anda ikuti.
Mari ambil bagian dalam kontest ini untukmenunjukkan kemampuan penyair, penulis dan pelukis tanah air di kancah sastra global.
Kontest ini dilaksanakan selama Agustus 2013 hingga Januari 2014. Hadiahnya uang tunai. Siapa tahu ada di antara peminat sastra tanah air yang tertarik mengikuti kontest sastra fanstory.com ini. Untuk detailnya silakan klik di tiap link di bawah ini..

It's a great time to get feedback for your writing at FanStory.com. Click here to get feedback for your writing in less than 5 minutes.
  • Get Helpful Feedback. Get detailed feedback for every poem, short story and book chapter that you write. Guaranteed!
  • Writing Contests. Over 50 contests are always open and always free to site writers. Compete for cash prizes.
  • Rankings. See how you compare to other writers. Online statistics will show you how you are doing.
  • Motivation. Participate in an active online writing community. Improve your writing, have fun, and get motivated.
Cash prizes are rewarded for contests with bold titles below.

Start getting feedback
in less than 5 minutes!

FanStory.comI wanted to tell that I feel like FanStory is the best thing that ever happened to me in terms of my writing. The way the website is set-up is brilliant. The reviewing process has done more to improve my writing than 20 college-level writing courses. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for creating and running this website for writers. It is truly a blessing.

I received word that my collection of short stories, "Rural Roots", would be accepted for publication. I have just signed the contract for the first in a ten-book series, and am one step closer to my 'cabin by the river.' This book would never have seen print without the help and expertise of fellow writers on Fanstory.
Click here to read the letters in full.
Contest Listing

Contests shown in bold offer cash prizes.

Writing Prompt Contest
Short story on the word Fame
Write a short story, 800 words or less on the topic of the word "Fame"
Deadline: In 2 Days
Butterfly In The Sky III
Here's your chance to write an erotic story or novel.
Deadline: In 3 Days
land of the lost the orginal series
This is a topic based contest. Write a story based on the topic provided in the the announcement.
Deadline: In 6 Days
Ode Poetry Contest
Write a ode poem for this contest. It is a poem celebrating a person, event, thing. It is often written in an exalted style. Odes were originally meant to be sung.. See an example in the announcement. This poetry contest has a cash prize.
Deadline: Aug 26th
Book of the Month
Each month one book chapter is selected to be the Book of the Month. A public vote determines the winner. All books posted during the month are automatically considered for this contest.
Deadline: Aug 26th
Divergent: Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction for Divergent, by Veronica Roth. No poetry, 800 words min. and 2000 words max.
Deadline: Aug 29th

Devil's Advocate
Argue against yourself.
Deadline: Sep 1st
Famous Literary Characters Verse
This is a topic based contest. Write a poem based on the topic provided in the announcement.
Deadline: Sep 1st
Reviewing Contest
Every month we make a cash prize available to the reviewer that writes the most detailed and helpful reviews. Cash prize for the winner of this writing contest.
Deadline: Sep 1st
Who Do You Think I Am?
This is a topic based contest. Write a story based on the topic provided in the announcement.
Deadline: Sep 2nd
Write About This Poetry Contest
Write a poem based on the image pictured in this announcement. This poetry contest has a cash prize.
Deadline: Sep 6th
Pick a story
This is a topic based contest. Write a story based on the topic provided in the announcement.
Deadline: Sep 6th
ABC Poetry Contest
For this contest you are challenged to write a ABC poem. ABC poetry has five lines and often is used to express feelings. See the announcement for an example. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Sep 13th
My Vision of Enlightened Society
This is a topic based contest. Write a poem based on the topic provided in the announcement. The topic is your vision of an enlightened society. It should be a description of what you think would be a good human society or enlightened society.
Deadline: Sep 15th
500 Words Writing Contest
Write a 500 word fictional story on any subject. Use exactly 500 words. The winner of this writing contest will take away a cash prize.
Deadline: Sep 20th
Your World In A Thousand Years Time
This contest challenged writers to start a story with the specific sentence. All story's must be detailed regarding how things are different in your world of a thousand years from now.
Deadline: Sep 22nd
Share A Story In A Poem
In this contest you are challenged to write a poem that tells a story and also rhymes. We've included examples of this type of poetry storytelling in the announcement. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Sep 28th

Free Verse Poetry Contest
Write a free verse poem. This is a method of writing poetry that does not follow any structure or style. See an example and details in the announcement. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Oct 2nd
Sonnet Poetry Contest
Just like Shakespeare did, discover the rhythm and rhyme scheme of the Shakespearean sonnet. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Oct 9th
This Sentence Starts The Story
For this writing contest write a story that starts with this sentence: "We had to make the deadline." The winner of this writing contest will take away a cash prize.
Deadline: Oct 16th
Nonet Poetry Contest
Write a nonet poem for this contest. This is a poem with a specific format. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Oct 23rd
Write a poem about your age.
This is a topic based contest. Write a poem based on the topic provided in the announcement.
Deadline: Oct 27th
Acrostic Poetry Contest
Write an acrostic poem. An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word. View an example in the announcement. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Oct 29th

Blank Verse Poetry Contest
Write a blank verse poem for this poetry contest. A blank verse poem is written without rhymes. It does have a set metrical pattern. See the details in the announcement. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Nov 3rd
ABAB Poetry Contest
Write a ABAB poem for this contest. This is a poem with a specific rhyme scheme. Read the announcement for a sample poem and the details. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Nov 10th
Love Poem Poetry Contest
Write a love poem. Your love poem can be fictional or non-fictional. It can be a humorous or a serious love poem. The choice is yours. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Nov 17th
Use these sentences in your story: The pitter-patter of little feet in the hall normally woke her each morning. Today, it was the absence of it. The winner of this writing contest will take away a cash prize.
Deadline: Nov 20th
Non-Fiction Writing Contest
We are looking for personal essays, memoirs, and works of literary non-fiction. It can be spiritual, political, or funny. Creative approaches welcomed. Cash prize for the winner of this writing contest.
Deadline: Nov 26th

Flash Fiction Writing Contest
In this flash fiction contest we are challenging writers to write a flash fiction piece that is between 500 and 800 words on the topic provided. The topic is "Ego" The winner of this writing contest will take away a cash prize.
Deadline: Dec 3rd
Tanka Poetry Contest
For this contest you are challenged to write a Tanka poem. Tanka is a form of poetry with a specific syllable count. See the announcement for an example. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Dec 10th
5-7-5 Poetry Contest
For this contest you are to write a short poem. It should only have three lines. But the structure is that of a Haiku. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables again. Write about anything. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Dec 17th
Horror Story Writing Contest
Put your readers on edge or terrorize them for this horror writing contest. This writing contest rewards a cash prize to the winner.
Deadline: Dec 23rd
At The Hotel
You are in your hotel room when you hear a commotion outside followed by a loud banging at your door. Cash prize for the winner of this writing contest.
Deadline: Dec 29th

Quatrain Poetry Contest
Write a Quatrain poem for this contest. Read the announcement for a sample poem. This poetry contest has a cash prize.
Deadline: Jan 5th
Unlike Any Sound
"It was unlike any sound you've ever heard."' Write a story that uses this sentence somewhere in the story. The winner of this writing contest will take away a cash prize.
Deadline: Jan 12th
Faith Poetry Contest
The theme for this poetry contest is "faith". We are looking for poems that in some way pertain to this theme. It doesn't matter if it's spiritual, political, intellectual or emotional as long as faith is clearly represented. This poetry contest has a cash prize.
Deadline: Jan 19th
Lune Poetry Contest
A Lune poem is a short and fun poetry form with only three lines. View the contest announcement for an example. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest.
Deadline: Jan 26th

Write a poem that incorporates this artwork for our Write About This Poetry Contest.

Challenge yourself for our ABC Poetry Contest.

Write a poem that tells a story for our Share A Story In A Poem.

Make your own rules for our Free Verse Poetry Contest.

For our This Sentence Starts The Story you are challenged to write a story that starts with the sentence we provide.

For our Nonet Poetry Contest contest we challenge you to write a poem that follows a specific format.

Write an acrostic poem for this contest. Read the announcement for an example of this type of poem.

Write a poem that follows this traditional poetry format for our Blank Verse Poetry Contest.

Share a poem for our ABAB Poetry Contest.

Write a poem that uses a specific format for our Love Poem Poetry Contest.

Write a non-fiction story or essay for our Non-Fiction Writing Contest.

The challenge of flash fiction is to tell a complete story in which every word is absolutely essential. Write a story with a specific word count for our Flash Fiction Writing Contest.

Write a poem with a specific format for our Tanka Poetry Contest.

For our 5-7-5 Poetry Contest you've got a tight deadline. This contest is free to enter for new members to FanStory.com.

Put your reader on the edge of their seat for our Horror Story Writing Contest.

Write a poem that incorporates the topic of faith for our Faith Poetry Contest.
Find Out More about our contests and membership for writers.

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Uhuyyy.... Gaji PNS Tahun 2014 PASTI Naik 45%

Waauuuw! Apa benar, gaji pokok PNS tahun 2014 akan naik sebesar 45%. Tidak masuk di akal kedengarannya. Lalu, harga barang naik berapa persen? Mengapa naik sebesar itu? Apakah semua PNS akan mengalaminya?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu muncul di antara PNS ketika mendengar kabar tersebut. Namun ada yang percaya, ada pula yang tidak percaya. Masak, iya? La iyalaaaaahhhh. Benar, gaji PNS akan naik sebesar 45% mulai Januari tahun 2014. Kalau begitu luar biasa amat kalau gaji PNS naik sebesar 45%. Benar-benar sejahtera tu PNS. Pasti ini tersirat di benak masyarakat pada umumnya.
Tapi tunggu dulu menilai kalau kenaikan itu akan membuat PNS jadi sangat sejahtera. Sebab, secara sepintas kita melihat seperti itu. Tapi jika kita ikuti apa yang menjadi konsep pemerintah, maka ada sebagian PNS yang akan kecewa berat dengan kebijakan kenaikan PNSgaji sebesar 45% itu. Bukankah kenaikannya hampir setengah dari gaji pokok? Lah, kenapa harus kecewa berat? Lalu siapa kelompok PNS yang bakal kecewa berat dengan kenaikan gaji sebsar 45% itu?

Tunjangan kinerja daerah (TKD) PNS atau lebih populer dengan singkatannya TPP (Tunjangan Perbaikan Penghasilan, atau ada juga menyebutnya Tunjang Penghasilan Pegawai, ada juga yang menyebutnya sebagai TTP atau tunjangan tambahan penghasilan dll istilahnya) di tiap-tiap daerah itu berbeda-beda. Ada yang besar, ada yang sedang dan ada yang kecil. Demikian pula di satu daerah, TKD -nya juga tidak merata. Ada yang tinggi sekali (untuk kepala SKPD), ada yang sedang dan ada yang kecill.
Naaaahhh, mulai bulan Januari 2014, TKD di semua daeah akan  dihapus oleh pemerintah. Sebagai gantinya adalah remunerasi dengan besaran 45% dari gaji pokok. Besaran 45% ini disebabkan oleh penerapan reformasi birokrasi masih akan dievaluasi.
Menurut Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (PAN-RB) Azwar Abubakar, evaluasi penerapan reformasi birokrasi akan dilakukan akhir tahun 2013 ini. “Itu sebabnya remunerasi belum sepenuhnya akan dinikmati,” katanya.
Memang diakuinya, sampai saat ini instansi yang menikmati remunerasi sebesar 100% dari gaji pokok adalah Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu). Sedangkan remunerasi di lingkungan pemerintah daerah, baru akan dimulai pada angka 45% dari gaji pokok. Sebagai contoioh, seorang PNS dengan gaji pokok sebesar Rp3 juta per bulan, kelak akan mendapatkan tambahan remunerasi sebesar Rp1.350.000 per bulan dengan pembayaran dirapel dalam beberapa bulan. “Pembayaran baru bisa dijalankan tahun depan, disesuaikan dengan pembahasan nota anggaran untuk gaji dan tunjangan-tunjangan PNS,” katanya.
Dengan adanya tunjangan remunerasi itu, konsekuensinya seluruh PNS Pemda tidak boleh lagi menerima pendapatan lain di luar gaji pokok. Tidak ada lagi yang namanya honorariu-honorarium tim ini dan tim itu, panitia ini dan panitia itu. Selain itu, PNS daerah tidak diperkenankan lagi menerima uang rapat harian di daerah setempat.
“Jadi jangan dikira melalui remunerasi ini, maka PNS akan mendapat banyak. Intinya, optimalisasi anggaran yang ada di masing-masing daerah,” tandasnya.
Yang paling kecewa beratr dengan kebijakan pemerintah ini adalah para "boss" kercil di daerah alias pejabat eselon II yang salam ini "panen raya" setiap bulan dengan menerima TPP mulai dari sekitar Rp5 juta sampai Rp25 juta per bulan. Lewaaaat broooo. Tak ada lagi Rp5 juta sampai Rp25 juta itu. Dan yang paling mengalami perasaan sebaliknya justru PNS yang biasa menerima TPP kecil, termasuk para staf.
Penghasilan mereka akan naik signifikan bila menerima remunerasi 45% dari gaji pokok ini.
Sekadar referensi, TKD PNS dibayarkan lewat APBD yang sumbernya dari PAD. Besaran TKD ini berdasarkan eselonisasi dan jabatan. Di beberapa daerah, yang menikmati TKD besar adalah pejabat struktural, sedangkan PNS non eselon sangat rendah, ada yang bahkan hanya Rp500 ribu per bulan, sedangkan Sekda-nya menerima sampai Rp10 juta sampai Rp25 juta per bulan.
Coba dibayangkan, seandainya seorang Kepala Dinas dengan gaji pokok Rp4.500.000 dan tunjangan struktural sebesar RpRp2.500.000 plus tunjangan suami/isteri.anak dan beras sekitar Rp500.000, kemudian mendapat TKD lagi sebesar Rp7.000.000 misalnya, maka total yang diterima Rp14.500.000 per bulan. Naaaaahhh, ketika remunerasi diberlakukan mulai Januari 2014, maka penghasilan sang kepala dinas akan mengalami penurunan cukup besar. Contoh perhitungannya: Gaji pokok Rp 4.500.000 ditambah remunerasi 45% dari gaji pokok sebesar Rp 2.025.000, tunjangan struktural Rp2.500.000, tambah tunjangan suami/isteri/anak dan beras Rp500.000 tanpa TPP, total yang akan diterima adalah Rp9.525.000. Tidak boleh ada honor ini dan honor itu (kecuali korupsi). Berarti sang Kadis akan kehilangan pendapatan sebesar Rp 4.975.000.
Berbeda dengan staf atau pejabat eselon III dan IV. Misalnya seorang staf dengan gaji pokok Rp2.500.000, tunjangan fungsional umum Rp185.000, tunjangan isteri/suami/anak dan tunjangan beras sekitar (misalnya) Rp400.000 serta TPP sebasar Rp500.000, maka tiap bulan menerima Rp3.585.000. Tapi ketika remunerasi berlaku 1 Januari 2014 nanti, maka dia akan menerima Gaji poko Rp2.500.000, remunerasi 45% sebesar Rp1.125.000, tunjangan istri/suami/anak dan beras Rp400.000 tanpa TPP, maka dia akan menerima gaji sebesar Rp4.025.000. Selisih naiknya sebesar Rp440.000. Hmmmm, lumayan dibanding para pembesar Dinas kehilangan separuh dari penghasilannya selama ini.
Dan satu hal yang harus dipegang adalah, bahwa MULAI JANUARI 2014 GAJI PNS NAIK 45% DARI GAJI POKOK TAPI HARUS KEHILANGAN TPP. Dan bagi para kepala SKPD, siap-siap untuk mengikat pinggang, karena pasti TPP yang besar selama ini sudah dijaminkan di Bank. Jika kelak TPP hilang sementara tagihan bank terus berlanjut, maka mau tidak mau gaji untuk keluarga digunakan untuk bayar kredit bank. Kaciaaaaaannnn deh luuuu. Bisa-bisa korupsi di daerah kian merajalela.